Recipe: Beer-Poached Sausages with Cranberry Sweet & Sour Sauce
And now for the second installment of Easy Home Cooking Recipes with Mei Mei Sauce, Part 2. Also known as the second post in the #OnlyATinyBitDrunk series, in which the recipes are easy enough to do when you are lacking just the teensiest bit of control of your fine motor skills. Introducing...Beer Poached Sausages with Cranberry Sweet & Sour Sauce!

I'm super excited about this one, because it took us a while to perfect the Cranberry Sweet & Sour Sauce recipe. It's finally bottled and on the restaurant shelves now! And you'll be able to buy it on our online shop soon, so stay tuned.
Anyway, I wanted to cook something that would basically let me eat the cranberry sauce straight, because it is crazy delicious. Sweet like ketchup, but more fruity and fresh, with a little vinegary kick. My Scottish husband, raised to douse all his sausages in the inventively named brown sauce, thinks this is a perfect substitute.
So here's the recipe, in all its posted-while-a-bit-inebriated glory:
Step 1: put sausages into a pan and pour in a bottle and a half of beer or however much you need to cover up those little weiners.
Step 2: finish the rest of that beer and probably another one for good measure. Gotta quality check!!
Step 3: when the sausages are cooked, take them out of the beer and put them in a frying pan with a bit of oil so they get nicely browned.
Step 4: remove from the pan and pour on some awesome sweet & sour sauce from fresh cranberries available NOW at the restaurant and online in like 2 days! Oh and serve with more beer. Wahoooo!