It's Time To Celebrate #DoubleAwesomeLove - You Could Win a Month's Worth of Double Awesomes!
Guys. Get this. Do you want to win FREE DOUBLE AWESOMES FOR A MONTH?!?!?
Our most famous sandwich, the Double Awesome, turns SIX YEARS OLD this month. How crazy is that! So to celebrate, we are choosing one lucky person to win free Double Awesomes for a whole month. Yup, you read that right. Here's the deal: you repost this photo on Instagram this weekend. Sweepstakes close Sunday night at midnight EST, then we'll pick a winner on Monday!

You have to be following us, and you have to mention @meimeiboston and #DoubleAwesomeLove in the post. A few other bits of housekeeping, in case you're curious about the terms of all the delicious eggy cheesy goodness you're going to be eating:
- You get 1 Double Awesome during one visit per day for 30 consecutive days. OMG!
- We're talking one regular Double Awesome, eggs any way you like, but with no meat (you're welcome to add it on for the regular add-on price if you want)
- This reward is non-transferable, meaning you can't send your sister or bestie or friend in to get your Double Awesome. You can consider sharing with them though, if they're being nice :)
- The 30 days starts on Tuesday, April 16th. Remember, we're closed Mondays but the Double Awesome is now available from open to close every other day of the week!
- Lastly, you can only claim if you come in - no delivery via GrubHub or Postmates or anyone. You're welcome to call and put your order in for takeout though, as long as you come in to get it yourself.
- To redeem your Double Awesomes, we'll snap a photo of you with your first sandwich to post on social. Then every time you come in, just pull up that photo, show it to our counter staff, and the Double Awesome is yours!
- P.S. This contest is not affiliated with Instagram.
Ok everyone, good luck... start your regrams NOW!