Buy Mei Mei Sauces for the Holidays!
Guys. Don't panic. It may be a frighteningly short time until the holidays if you haven't done your Christmas or Hanukkah shopping yet, but we got you covered. A 3-pack of our sauces are the perfect present for the chef, local food lover, home cook, eco-friendly eater or farm supporter in your life. Or really, anyone who's into food! And hopefully that's everyone you know.
There are lots of ways to get these sauces quickly and easily. For those of you outside of Eastern New England, your best bet is our website - we'll be mailing via USPS Priority Mail and you should be good up until about the 20th of December. But the earlier the better!
For people in New England, you've got a couple of good spots around Boston and Rhode Island to shop. Other than our restaurant, shipping container and food truck, the following stores are carrying sauces and they're all worth a visit for other reasons too!

The fabulous new Eataly Boston just opened at the Prudential Center and they are carrying our sauces alongside the best Italian food! We can't wait to check it out.

Our adorable hometown shop Brookline Grown has a great collection of items by community makers and growers. Go check them out less than a mile from the restaurant!
Stock in Providence, RI has a beautiful collection of useful kitchen tools and beautiful home goods....
Our friends at Allandale Farm hhave tons of local products, plus seasonal items like pumpkins and Christmas trees!
The Cheese Shop of Salem has a fantastic product selection and look at their gorgeous catering platters!

And then all the way in Ithaca, New York, our friends Brad and Heather at the Piggery not only raise amazing pigs but they also sell our sauces! Thanks guys! Their delicious pasture-raised pork is in practically every item on our menu. SO GOOD.

Lastly, our friends at Farm and Coast Market in South Dartmouth MA have all kind of wonderful local stuff along with great lunches and snacks. Go check 'em out!
Go forth and get yourself some sauces - as a gift or just for yourself - and we promise you won't regret it. Happy holidays everyone!